Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The smack bang absolute middle of study week.

Its a bit exciting when “Anatomy & Physiology made Incredibly Easy!” is actually too easy. I wish I’d found this book in the library last semester but I’m pretty pleased with myself that I don’t need it this time. Can’t believe how far I’ve come from reading children’s anatomy books + pulling my hair out over all the big words.

That said, I still read Robbins with a dictionary.*

For a bit of a laugh here is an excerpt from the announcement made on our blackboard site regarding our Health + Community component of the exams:

“as a minimum, you should study the material from PBL tutorials, lectures and the supplied reference materials. However, we encourage students to going beyond this with a view to doing better and ultimately preparing more thoroughly better for the years ahead in the course and as doctors.”

Facebook status updates are having a field day with this. The current favourite is the use of the phrase “more thoroughly better”.

Er. Not that I’m on Facebook or anything…

That is, when I’m not using Robbins as a booster seat to sit more thoroughly better at my desk.


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