Friday, October 23, 2009

"Public Option" Back From The Dead

The “public option”, the mechanism for socializing medical care in the good ol’ Nanny States of America, is back on the table in the Senate. The “public option” is the means by which the US government will use to gradually usurp and devour medical insurance companies until nothing is left but the socialist utopia of “single payer plan”.

Kill the “public option”. Kill it with fire.

Senate Majority Leader Reid Leaning Toward ‘Public Option’ for Insurance – Prescriptions Blog –

After more than a week of deliberations, the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, is leaning toward including a government-run insurance plan in a health care bill he will soon take to the Senate floor, Democratic senators said Thursday.

Mr. Reid’s intentions, which are subject to change, reflect a calculated gamble that all members of his party would vote for the public insurance plan if it included some mechanism for states to opt out.

Mr. Reid and other Senate Democratic leaders were headed to the White House late Thursday afternoon for a hastily called meeting, where Mr. Reid was expected to ask President Obama to help secure the needed votes.


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