Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm All Hopped Up On Acai Berry Juice

My mom always gave us NyQuil or DayQuil when me or my brothers had sore throats or colds, and we sniffled all over the place in order to get some chicken noodle soup while watching daytime television instead of going to school. My grandpa once recommended a shot of whiskey. Even though I was 7 at the time. I’m pretty sure he was serious too.

After getting worn down from the ACL music festival this past weekend and rolling around in the dillo dirt/mud which caused an outbreak of rashes across Austin (dillo dermatitis?), and sitting next to several associates with the Bubonic Plague Redux it appears the deck is stacked. I now have a sore throat and some drainage.

I’m not a huge fan of popping pills or medicine, so I’m just downing a few Lone Star beers (Drinking Anything Else is Treason), lemonade, and lots of acai berry juice. The longevity and good health into the golden years that is supposed to be possible through the intake of the magical juice has me assuming that the rapid ingestion will result in this cold getting kicked in the shins and making an early exit.

I’ll update you on this medical research study which I am not being compensated for nor am I being monitored for adverse effects.


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