Friday, February 26, 2010

Cheap Viagra-Treat

This is a generic drug which has to prime indication to treat the erectile dysfunction or impotence by helping the blood flow into penis to achieve and maintain an erection that needed to have or give the passionate sexual pleasure.
It is an orally taken medicine which helps a man to revitalize the weak nerves of sexual glands as well as sustain the erection for longer period. It formulated to treat impotence which also known as the inability to sustain satisfy erection by relaxing blood vessels and lowers blood pressure while sexually aroused.

Those who think it is not possible to treat impotence as they have not enough amounts to spend for the treatment of ED Cheap Viagra can be a godsend medication for them. It is an effective oral treatment for impotence also known as the inability to attain an erection due to growing age or some other health problems. But there is one most important thing that man need to consider when he used this drug is that it is only a sexual stimulator so it is necessary for him to sexually arouse with his partner to get benefited with it instantly.



what does it take to reach a dream? do you abandon yourself to faith and God? do you ever question His infinite wisdom just like Job? who are we anyway to grumble about the things we “want” in this journey?
i move and think that what i desire is God’s. there goes confusion because NO ONE can ever fathom the thoughts of God (quoting Isaiah). i murmur when things fall short of my expectations. my heart breaks everytime the hurts and doubts assail. i cry and ask, “why,LORD?”. and that, is the saddest part. i always forget that i walk on two legs, breathe in ease, piss with bliss, taste a meal and move my fingers smoothly. i ask for things and never realize that i am blest beyond full measure. why do i even grumble? i only have this day and i am missing the magpies already because i am way engrossed with worries of tomorrow. one day at a time, LORD. Matthew 6:33.
“Rise up and walk”

I remembered Eleazar, one of David’s loyal men, fighting on the field until his hand was frozen tight to the swords’ handle. hmm, enough of pity-parties already. so little time left in this life. walk on, do what i’m suppose to do- live.

this is my favorite song when i was in high school. i heard this while on our way home from a Bible camp. to being young— OOORRAAAHHHH!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Paying It Forward Big Time: New Yorker's kidney donation saved 11 lives

Kidney Chain Donors and Recipients





Kidney chain recipients and donors

It’s called a kidney chain.  And New York’s Christina Do started one when she volunteered a kidney to a total stranger. That single decision to help one person ended up saving a total of eleven lives!

The remarkable and inspiring story is in this month’s Glamour magazine.  Click here to read it.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Lucy Harmer’s Shamanic Astrology Forecast – February 19 to March 20: WOLF

“Detailed and insightful, Lucy Harmer’s book is a fascinating fusion of astrology and the wisdom of nature that can lead you to a deeper communion with yourself, the earth, and all life.”
–Brandt Morgan, author of Vision Walk

Welcome to Lucy Harmer’s Shamanic Astrology monthly forecast for the Northern Hemisphere! Each month Lucy shares inspiration and ideas for the coming weeks from her book Shamanic Astrology: Understanding Your Spirit Animal Sign.

Shamanic Astrology is based on the study of the movement of the sun and the moon during the different seasons of the year. There are twelve astrological ”signs” which are represented by twelve different spirit animals. To find out your own personal spirit animal sign (the sign you were born under), please check the table of spirit animals at the end of this article. Shamanic Astrology teaches us that inner power derives from knowing the properties, characteristics, and qualities of each spirit animal (known as their “medicine”), and applying this in our own lives.

Each month I will focus on the spirit animal for that month, and describe the “energy” of the month itself and also the influence of the moon. I will also indicate which other spirit animal signs will find this month to be particularly beneficial, and why.

February 19 – March 20: WOLF

Month of winds and rebirth

Spirit Animal Sign of the Month:
Wolf is the spirit animal which corresponds to February 19 – March 20 (in the northern hemisphere). If you were born at this time, your spirit animal sign is Wolf and you share Wolf’s strengths of being sensitive, compassionate, generous, creative, loyal, trustworthy and imaginative. You may also share some of Wolf’s weaknesses and can have a tendency to be indecisive, secretive, evasive and lacking in willpower.

Medicine: Wolf’s medicine is the capacity to follow your intuition and instinct to protect yourself and others. To be used in any situation where you need to rely on your instinct to guide you.
Element: Water
Stone: Jade
Color: Blue/Green
Plant: Plantain

Energy of the season:
Wolf’s month is the time of winds and rebirth. The winds blow harder, but their effect is softened by the sun which gains in strength. Spring is on its way and the first appearance of flowers and buds announces the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. This brings a surge of energy and a promise of new beginnings. The winds bring transformation and rapid change. This period is ideal for developing intuition, instinct and altruism. The energy of this month is governed by generosity, hope and a renewal of energy.

Energy of the moon:
Wolf’s new moon started on February 14 and the full moon is on February 28. Wolf’s moon reinforces expression, receptivity, trust, empathy and sensuality. This is a good time to strengthen relationships and to develop empathy with others. Be aware though, as emotions run high, you may also feel slightly shaken and unsettled. The period after the full moon — from March 1 until March 14 — is a time of introspection; this is a beneficial time to delve into spiritual matters and increase inner knowledge. It is also an excellent time to uncover hidden desires and creativity. March 15 brings the new moon in Falcon; a time for new beginnings. This is an excellent time for clutter clearing — clean out those closets! It’s a time to let go of old feelings and regain a sense of joy, exuberance and optimism. This is a perfect time to exchange ideas and start new projects.

This month is particularly favorable for the following signs:

If your sign is Wolf the energy of this month is very favorable because it corresponds to the month and the moon of your birth. A new cycle is about to start in your life and this is the best time to start planting seeds. Use the sun’s energy to take stock and head off in a new direction.

If your sign is Woodpecker or Snake this is a very lucky month for you, with lots of harmony because you are in your own water element. A multitude of opportunities will open up for you in this period and this is the best time to give destiny a helping hand!

Beaver/Snow Goose:
For Beaver and Snow Goose people, this is a very dynamic month, full of energy which favors the conception and birth of new projects. You will feel new motivation and a renewal of your energy at this time.

Table of Spirit Animal Signs:

To find your spirit animal sign, just locate your birthday from the dates below, according to your place of birth. If you were born north of the equator (e.g., USA, Canada, Europe), then look for your date of birth in the column headed “Northern Hemisphere.” If you were born south of the equator (e.g., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa), then look for your date of birth in the column headed “Southern Hemisphere.”

© Copyright 2010 Lucy Harmer

Shamanic Astrology is available for purchase directly through, as well as major book stores and online retailers.

CLICK HERE to learn more about courses, seminars and workshops offered by Lucy Harmer.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Shamanic Astrology.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Discovering Your Spirit Animal.


İdrar kesesi zayıflığı



İdrar Kesesi Zayıflığı


Sık idrar yapma ihtiyacı, zor ve ağrılı idrar yapma, istek dışı idrar zorlaması, idrar ihtiyacı için gece uyanma, idrar kaçırma gibi şikayetlere genel olarak idrar kesesi zayıflığı (Neuralgia vesicae) denmektedir.

Hastalığın nedenleri arasında hormon dengelerinde değişim (hamilelik, menopoz), idrar yolları iltihabı, ışın tedavisi, üşütme ve sinirsel etkiler sayılabilir. Kadınlarda daha sıklıkla görülmektedir.

Hafif ve orta şiddetteki şikayetlerde bitkisel ilaçlar kullanılmalıdır. Çok ağrılı idrar zorlaması ve idrar yaparken ağrı, idrar kaçırma durumda hekim gözetiminde tedavi uygulanmalıdır.

Hormon dengelerinin sağlanması ve bağışıklık sisteminin desteklenmesi için her yıl 6-8 ay süreyle çörekotu yenmesi tavsiye edilebilir.

Tedaviye destek olarak günde 2-3 litre su içilmeli, alkol, kahve içilmemeli, idrarı asitli hale getiren süt ve süt ürünleri, et ve et ürünleri, narenciye meyveleri, ıspanak, çilek, baharat yenilmemeli, bulgur, pirinç, patates, meyve ve sebze yenmelidir.

Dahilen Kullanım Bitkisel İlaçlar:


Altınbaşak otu: İdrar artırıcıdır, hafif kramp giderici etki gösterir, iltihaplanmayı önler, mikrop öldürücü etkisi vardır.

Kullanım süresince günde 2-3 litre su içilmelidir.

İnce kıyılmış 2 çay kaşığı ot fincana konur, üzerine 150 ml kaynar su ilave edilir, fincanın ağzı kapalı olarak 10 dakika demlenir, süzülerek içilir. Çayı taze hazırlanarak günde 3-4 defa içilebilir.

Huşağacı yaprağı ve ayı üzümü yaprağı ile birlikte kullanılması etkiyi artırır.

Canotu kökü: Kramp gidericidir. Hazır ilaç tarifine göre kullanılır.

Kabak çekirdeği: İdrar şikayetlerinde kullanılır. İdrar kesesini kuvvetlendirir. Günde 10 gr çekirdek içi 2-3 defada yenir. Etkisi uzun sürede ortaya çıkar 4-5 ay süreyle kullanılmalıdır.

Altınbaşak otu ve bitkisel sakinleştirici ilaçlarla (Kediotu kökü, şerbetçiotu çiçeği, lavanta çiçeği, depresyon halinde sarı kantaron) birlikte kullanılması daha etkilidir.

Tedavi amacına uygun olarak idrar artırıcı, iltihaplanmayı önleyici, mikrop öldürücü bitkisel ilaçlardan yararlanılabilir (Bakınız: İdrar yolları iltihabı ve yıkama tedavisi).

Çörekotu: Günde toplam olarak 15 gr çörekotu yenir. Bu miktar 2 veya 3 e bölünerek yemeklerden 30 dakika önce öğütülüp, az suyla yenir. Rendelenmiş bir elma veya armuda öğütülmüş çörekotu katılarak da yenebilir. Şeker hastası olmayanlar, pratik olması açısından haftalık kullanım miktarını öğütüp bekletmeden tahin-pekmeze karıştırarak yiyebilirler. Dişleri sağlam olanlar çiğneyerek yerlerse diş eti bakımı da yapılmış olur.Öğütülmüş olarak hazır satılan çörekotu alınmamalıdır, çok zararlıdır.

Not:1- Çörekotu hamilelik döneminde yenmemelidir. Doğuma bir hafta kala başlanıp emzirme süresince yenirse anne ve çocuk sağlığı açısından çok faydalıdır.

Çörekotu yeterli miktarda omega-3 ihtiva eder, ilave olarak omega-3 takviyeli gıdalar yenmemelidir.

2- Hamilelik, emzirme dönemi ve çocuklarda kullanılması sakıncalı bitkiler dikkate alınmalıdır.


1-     Dr. Ahmet Toptaş, Alman kanunlarına göre düzenlenip izin verilen BİTKİLERLE MODERN TEDAVİ, Gonca Yayınevi, İstanbul 2009, ISBN: 978-9944-790-31-4, (0212) 5285076-5286005.

2-     Dr. Ahmet Toptaş, ÇÖREKOTU Tepeden tırnağa şifa deryası, Gonca Yayınevi, İstanbul 2008, ISBN: 978-9944-62-613-2, (0212) 5285076-5286005.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Is there an alternative?

I read an article recently in a well-known London newspaper which raised an issue I have been thinking about for a long time. What happens when unregulated medicine actually causes more harm than good?

I won’t name names (although the original article does), but in a nutshell, a woman was prescribed pills by a practitioner of Chinese medicine containing the (subsequently banned) substance [aristolochic acid] to treat her acne. On the one hand the pills did their job, and the acne cleared up, but on the other hand they were destroying her kidneys, inducing urinary tract cancer and eventually led to a heart attack. The woman now needs dialysis treatment three times a week and is no longer able to work.

The problem here stemmed from the fact that the sale of Chinese medicine is completely unregulated, and it is pretty unlikely that a practitioner selling the pills is going to have a subscription to Mutagenesis, in which a 2002 article reported the following

It is concluded that there is significant evidence that AA is a powerful nephrotoxic and carcinogenic substance with an extremely short latency period, not only in animals but also in humans. In particular, the highly similar metabolic pathway of activation and resultant DNA adducts of AA allows the extrapolation of carcinogenesis data from laboratory animals to the human situation. Therefore, all products containing botanicals known to or suspected of containing AA should be banned from the market world wide.

And anyway, this study proved to be too little, too late. By the time the ban was in place, the woman had been taking the pills for a little over five years, and the damage was irreversible.

Now I’m not suggesting that we should blanket ban alternative therapies because of one mistake (albeit a pretty huge one). And as my esteemed colleague RPG has previously noted, many alternative remedies have active ingredients which really do work.

However, I can’t help feeling that if alternative medicine (and I use the term ‘medicine’ with the lightest touch) wants to be taken seriously, it really needs to become self-regulating, and ensure things like this can’t happen again.

What form might that regulation take? Well for a start we could insist that all practitioners of alternative medicine are registered with and accredited by their respective council. For Chinese medicine this would be The Chinese Medicine Council, UK. Secondly we need to give these independent bodies real power, the ability to blacklist practitioners and ban substances without exception, and ensure that the medicine suppliers are subject to rigorous product testing before bringing new products to market.


2010: The Washington March For Life Really is Getting Younger Every Year.

Every year I’m very amused at our Media who is so naive and blind about the March for Life in Washington.  It’s like there is this dark shadow cast over our major media studios.  Like its disgusting and shameful to be in favor of life.  The Media hides away like they are embarrased to be part of something they can understand as a great Movement of our time and on par with the Civil Rights Movement.

This year the majority of our newsanchors reported badly about the March in Washington DC.  It was huge and I hope it grows even bigger every year and that more and more people find the time to get down their in January of every year. 

As it has been put to me anyone born before 1973 were from the times of illegal abortion but all the young after 1973 are considered the survivors of abortion.  Their mothers could have had them aborted at anytime under any tri-mester. 

Well the Media is very misrepresented when it comes to the facts and they have no taste in the most exciting protest still in existance today. 

Next year if you get the chance watch for the March for Life in East Coast in Washington and also the March for Life West Coast.

I’m very proud that there are many people standing for life.  I think that the first suffragettes would be proud of these people both young and old alike.  The first responders to women’s rights who didn’t support abortion were Susan B. Anthony and others of her day in Seneca Falls.  Abortion is not a blessing just ask someone from Rachel’s Vineyard for Post Abortive Men and Women.   Abortion has not solved our problems it has presented new one’s to our society.   I agree there has to be a better way for women but not what our present Administration is trying to perpetuate for our world.  We do not have the money to police the world when it comes to so called “reproduction rights” which spells A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N.

I can’t speak for everyone because in this country were given one vote— that vote to was paid in blood many times over since the conception of this great nation.  If we want to truly evolve we had better find more educated ways regarding spacing and population of planet.  Not the old ways of past cultures who sacrificed their children in heinous ways on bloodstained alters.  Abortion isn’t a new sacrifice its a new spin on the old ways of the past hiding behind the so called sophisticated medical technologies we institute today.

See Link to Article about the someone who was at the March:


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Acknowledging the pain

Today I saw his mother, standing in the Clinic’s hallway, waiting for papers to be filled out, signed and handed over, so that she could go on with all that needs to be done. Standing, but barely, shaking, each moment fighting back the tears. I was there for the M&M, tired, high-strung, overdosed on caffeine. I met her gaze and looked away, took the elevator, sat through the conference. When I came back down, she was still there, fragile,  grief-stricken, alone in the world. So I went over to tell her how sorry I was, and hugged her, let the tears flow for a minute or two. I hardly think it made a difference. But then, I don’t want to be this person who looks away and says nothing. Acknowledging the pain and the loss is the least we can do when we can do nothing more. A millionth fraction of her pain is my pain, too. I need to face it for so many reasons, hers and mine, and those of all my future patients. And then, in a day or two, I need to let it go…


Trouble from Huntsville Hospital

NOTE: I share the following with explicit permission.

A dear, elderly and retired friend of mine will, in coming days, be scheduled for surgery. Most likely, the procedure(s) will be performed at Huntsville Hospital.

Because my friend is retired, she receives a modest (meager would be more appropriately accurate) private pension, supplemented with Social Security income. Altogether, she has monthly income of under $1500. She has no other financial resources, no stocks or bonds, no trust fund, no secret Swiss bank account or any retirement savings.

Because of some troubles initiated by the Internal Revenue Service – the result of a genuine mistake NOT made by her – she continues to suffer negative repercussions from numerous levels of governmental agencies, all which have some aspect in the delivery of compassionate care, either through medical resources, or others.

Specifically, she was receiving assistance from the state of Alabama in paying the Medicare premiums, and was receiving Medicaid, which is the medical assistance provided for low-income individuals and families. Because of the error, the assistance she was receiving from the state and federal agencies was changed, reduced or eliminated – all to her detriment. She has no other form of savings, or retirement benefits.

Previously, she had a bout with breast cancer, resulting mastectomy and reconstructive surgery, one knee replacement surgery, laproscopic knee surgery on the other, a couple of bladder tacks – a procedure to assist maintain continence, and two cataract surgeries – one which created significant problems and nearly blinded her in one eye, requiring another opthalmic surgeon of international renown to correct.

As I write, her shoulders are needing surgery to remove calcium deposits that are causing excruciating pain, and resulting weakness. Because of arthritis, one of her hands has been so weakened that surgery to improve its function may be shortly forthcoming. Naturally, diagnostic imaging (MRI, X-ray, etc.) for all the above will be necessary.

The aging process brings with it well-documented problems, most notably which are hypertension (high blood pressure), sometimes diabetes, cataracts, and other degenerative processes that interfere with normal function, sometimes also causing significant problems to the extent that surgical intervention is necessary to alleviate or ameliorate (reduce) the problem. Corollary to that are several prescriptions to treat the symptoms, none of which can cure, and provide only temporary relief.

Socially, she is twice widowed, has two adult children, the elder male whom suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and a resulting forced medical retirement for nearly 17 years, and a younger working self-employed daughter whom lives on the poverty borderline with her working self-employed husband and two teen children.

Despite all this, she leads an active life, has a resilient attitude and though often in pain, complains only when the pain is greater than she can adequately bear, or when the pain medications wear off.

Now to the present issue at hand… Huntsville Hospital.

Acknowledging that she will need assistance in praying for… er, paying for procedures, she has availed herself to whatever channels exist for the same at Huntsville Hospital, providing them with an official statement from her financial institution about her monthly income.

Huntsville Hospital, not being satisfied with the official statement from her credit union, has demanded she provide her monthly statements instead.

Shocked and outraged at their inordinate request, she has refused, because as she said, “they already have an official statement about my income.”

“Sometimes,” she said, “for convenience, my daughter may deposit her money into my account and then have me write a check to her for the same amount. So, it doesn’t accurately reflect my situation. And  besides, why do they need to know how much I pay for rent, gas, groceries, credit card or utilities?”

She quickly added that, “They [Social Security and Medicare] know my situation, that I’ve received help, that my income hasn’t changed, and Huntsville Hospital talks to those official agencies regularly.“


Friday, February 12, 2010

Food: the disease and the cure

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Again, some food for thought after reading ‘In defense of food‘ by Michael Pollan.

At the moment several food related diseases, like obesity and diabetes, are booming. But instead of using common sense, people rely on health care. Already doctors are excellent in keeping people with heart diseases alive. And they are on its way with obesity and diabetes. Diabetes is accepted as completely normal more and more. Apparently it is easier or any how much more profitable to change a disease of a civilization into a lifestyle, than change the way that civilization eats.

Forgive me if that sounds too cynical. But to me it’s important to take responsibility for my own life, for my own health. So, please take this advice from Dr. Matters: eat your veggies and live juicy.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cambodian Medicines Are Successful at Foreign Markets - Thursday, 11.2.2010

The Mirror, Vol. 14, No. 651

“When the company PharmaProduct Manufacturing (PPM – ‘French medecines produced in Cambodia’) was established in 1996, no one expected the extent of success it would achieve at the Cambodian market and around the world. But 14 years later, this Cambodian pharmaceutical plant is very successful in exporting pharmaceutical products to foreign countries. At present, Cambodian medicines produced by PPM have established their markets in 15 countries around the world, because the quality of Cambodian medicines produced by PPM is recognized.

“Representatives from 13 countries dealing with medicines produced by PPM met in Phnom Penh during the annual convention of PMM, which coincided also with the 50th anniversary of the invention of [the antalgic drug] KINAL. During the meeting with foreign representatives from 13 countries in the evening of 8 February 2010, the director of PPM, the pharmacist Mr. Hai Ly Eang, reported about the success of Cambodian medicines made by PMM at foreign markets, and pointed to the plan to further strengthen foreign markets.

“The foreign importers of PPM products are from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Tchad, Togo, and Vietnam.

“During the occasion to greet those foreign representatives on 8 February 2010 on a ship on the river, the director of PPM, Mr. Hai Ly Eang, said, ‘That we are all on the ship at this time shows the success of PPM, because we are traveling on the same ship, we cooperate and we provide mutual support.’

“He added that representatives of these countries significantly contribute to support PPM to progress at the markets in their countries. The sales of PPM medicines keeps on increasing every year in the 13 countries from where their representatives participated at this occasion in Cambodia.

“The leader of PPM called on and encouraged all foreign distributors to continue to support PPM.

“Besides, PPM announced to expand its markets in the country as well as abroad. The expansion of markets abroad for medicines produced by PPM will be made by spreading a deeper and more intensive understanding of the quality of the PPM pharmaceuticals.

“As for the strengthening of the local market, it will be made by stressing, ‘If we use Khmer medicines, we will create jobs for Khmer citizens, and we will work towards a future where Cambodia is self sufficient in supplying and controlling pharmaceuticals and the health sector.’

“When Cambodian citizens and doctors use more medicines directly produced by Cambodia, it creates not only jobs for Cambodian people who work at pharmaceutical plants, but it also prepares the way for a future, where Cambodia can produce enough for itself and can control its medicines and the health sector.

“Nowadays, PPM exports 50 types of Cambodia produced medicines to foreign countries, among them Gynomax against uterus inflammation, Panol (Paracetamol) for fever, Pyrantox (Pyrantel) for de-worming of children, Caltoux for dry cough, Carbotoux for cough with phlegm, Bibactin, Diaryl for Diarrhea, Septyl for cleaning the mouth, Rhinex for colds, Appetine for appetite, Allergyle for allergy, KINAL for reducing pain, and many other medicines.” Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.18, #5123, 11.2.2010

Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Thursday, 11 February 2010

Deum Ampil, Vol.4, #411, 11.2.2010

  • The Rate of Men Smoking Cigarettes in Cambodia Dropped to 48% in 2009 [and of women to 3.6%]

Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.9, #2174, 11.2.2010

  • Germany Grants US$1,370,000 to the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC)

Khmer Machas Srok, Vol.4, #603, 11.2.2010

  • The Siamese [Thai] Supreme Court May Expropriate [Thai ousted and fugitive prime minister] Thaksin Shinawatra’s Money and Property Amounting to over US$2 Billion [over corruption]

Koh Santepheap, Vol.43, #6881, 11.2.2010

  • Border Crossings in Kamrieng District Are Points Where Luxury Wood Is Exported to Siam [Thailand] without Any Control [Battambang]

Moneaksekar Khmer, Vol.17, #3809, 11.2.2010

  • The Government Makes Efforts to Grab Land for Yuon [Vietnam] to Plant Rubber Trees to Fulfil a Plan of 100,000 Hectares by 2010, while Khmer People Are Crying because They Have No Land

Phnom Penh Post [Khmer Edition], Vol.1, #109, 11.2.2010

  • The Opposition Party Asked the Government to Send the Anti-Corruption Draft Law to the National Assembly [so that its contents became known]
  • The Construction of a Malaysian Electricity Plant Using Coal Begins Today in Sihanoukville [it will provide 100 megawatt of power, and the construction will be finished in 2012]
  • Twenty More Children Having Cholera Were Sent to the Kunthak Bopha Hospital [the director of this hospital, Dr. Beat Richner, wonders why Khmer citizens have not been informed and alerted about this cholera outbreak - Cambodian authorities just call it 'diarrhea' and do diarrhea treatment, which is not useful for cholera]

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.18, #5123, 11.2.2010

  • Thailand Steps Up Troops along the Border, Especially at the Ta Moan and at the Ta Krabei Temples
  • Google Is Reviewing the Border Map between Cambodia and Thailand Again [in response to a Cambodian demand, claiming that it shows that Cambodia loses some territory to Thailand]
  • Cambodian Medicines Are Successful at Foreign Markets

Sereypheap Thmey, Vol.18, #1874, 11.2.2010

  • The Opposition Parties [the Human Rights and the Sam Rainsy Party] and Civil Society Raised Human Rights Issues with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State [Mr. Scot Marciel]

Have a look at the last editorial – you can access it directly from the main page of the Mirror.
And please recommend The Mirror also to your colleagues and friends.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

FYI: Trivial Pursuit - Some Fun, Interesting and Just Plain Odd Facts and Tidbits about Arthritis - Ashley Boynes, Community Development Director, WPA Chapter

Nothing is “fun” about living with one of the forms of arthritis. However, I personally am one of these people who wins at Trivial Pursuit because I can easily recall seemingly useless information and am someone who likes to quote fun facts and random tidbits of info on a wide range of various topics. So, I figured, why not go on a virtual treasure hunt for some fun, interesting, and odd facts about arthritis and related conditions? I’ve done my research, and decided to share my findings with you…..because you just never know when you may need some of this useful and even not-so-useful arthritis trivia! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy….


Did you know…..?

  • T-Rex meets R-A? –> It has been proven that dinosaurs were susceptible to joint, muscle, and bone diseases. Some researchers say that the first evidence of arthritis was primary ankle osteoarthritis in dinosaurs.
  • Arthritis is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind and has been discovered in the remains of people who lived over 500,000 years ago. The first known cases of arthritis in humans historically date back to 4500 B.C. Some reports and historic documents qualify arthritis as the number one most common ailment in prehistoric people. Wonder what they did to manage the disease?
  • A vocabulary lesson: the prefix “arth” means joints. The suffix “itis” means inflammation. Hence, the name, arthritis.
  • Indirect and direct costs of arthritis combined costs the United States government at least $124 billion dollars a year. Yes, you read that correctly! This is why prevention and early diagnosis are so important.
  • Arthritis is the #1 leading cause for disability in United States citizens over the age of 15 years old.
  • Arthritis used to be treated by using GOLD. In some extreme and rare cases, gold compound injections can still be used to treat some forms of arthritis!
  • The most prevalent demographic group affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis is women in their 40’s. That being said, ANYONE of ANY age, gender, descent, etc. can be affected by this condition, which is autoimmune in nature.
  • There is no evidence either way for claims that climate alone can either cure, cause, or treat arthritis. However, the majority of arthritis patients do say that weather does, in fact, affect how they feel.
  • Our furry friends can get arthritis, too! Approximately, 1-in-4 adult dogs will develop arthritis. It is usually treated by medications and often affects larger breeds.
  • There is not scientific proof that foods can help or hurt arthritis. However, most studies show that a healthy diet does help in arthritis treatment. Some naturopathic doctors claim that gluten, dairy, and/or nightshade vegetables can be detrimental to anyone with an inflammatory condition. There is proof that herbs such as ginger and turmeric help fight inflammation.
  • Arthritis and joint pain are sometimes a comorbidity with or symptom of other autoimmune diseases such as Celiac Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. Joint pain and/or arthritis can also occur in patients with Lyme Disease and thyroid problems.
  • Famous people get it too! Famed actress Lucille Ball, singer/choreographer Paula Abdul, NBA player Allan Iverson, the late pop megastar Michael Jackson, actress Kathleen Turner, French painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and American entertainer Jack Benny, all have/had one of the 117+ forms of arthritis or related disease. It has been reported that pop star Britney Spears has arthritis in one of her knees, and many famous people have been suspected of having fibromyalgia including: Charles Darwin, Florence Nightengale, and Frida Kahlo. Actresses AJ Langer and Susan Flannery also have fibro. The daughter of actress Jennie Garth and actor Peter Facinelli suffers from Still’s Disease – a rare form of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • You absolutely cannot get arthritis from cracking your knuckles or other joints. It is an “Old Wives’ Tale!”
  • In the 2006 “Rocky Balboa” movie, Duke mentions that Rocky has arthritis in his neck, a bad knee, and calcium deposits on most of his joints. Even legends can get osteoarthritis — the type that comes with age, and wear & tear on the joints! It does commonly affect athletes.
  • Arthritis patients who are underweight are more prone to complications from cardiovascular disease.
  • Sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D which is essential for building healthy bones. In Ancient Rome, gladiators would bask in the sun to “heal” their aching bones and joints.
  • Some people believe that the Holy Bible hints at certain herbs that can be used in healing ailments such as arthritis. One of the ones most commonly referred to is Aloe.
  • About 300,000 United States children and teens under the age of 18 have arthritis.
  • Ergonomic, lightweight cooking tools with easy grips & non-slip handles are very helpful to people who have arthritis. Great for in the kitchen!
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers usually need about 10 hours of sleep and a 1-or-2-hour nap during the day. Doctors advise RA patients to sleep until they feel rested. Unfortunately, this often is not realistic for many people with RA.
  • When you “crack” or “pop” your joints, the sound you hear is usually gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide “escaping”. These gases are found in the synovial fluid. Sometimes, the noise is from ligaments and tendons shifting, or simply from the roughness of the joint surface.
  • Different forms of yoga can be beneficial for arthritis! Some of the more “unique” examples are “laughter yoga” and “chair yoga!”
  • More than 200 years ago, a gout attack kept the English statesman William Pitt from stopping the passage of a tax on tea by Parliament. The tax led to the Boston Tea Party and the independence of the American colonies.
  • Roman Emperor Diocletian exempted citizens with severe arthritis from paying taxes, realizing that the disease itself can be taxing enough. (Maybe this should be reinstated?)
  • Arthritis accounts for 427 million days of restricted activities, 156 million days in bed and 45 million days lost in work annually in this country.
  • The word “Lupus” is Latin for “wolf.” The disease Lupus was named 130 years ago by a French doctor who thought the signature rash on the face of lupus patients resembled the bites of a wolf.
  • Some people with Rheumatoid Arthritis are wheelchair-bound, others can run a marathon. Some have serious complications, others do not. The symptomology of this condition are vast and varied, affecting each patient differently and on different levels.
  • You have a one in five chance of experiencing some form of rheumatic disease, such as arthritis, during your lifetime. (Yes, You!)
  • Three times as many women as men are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. 90% of all lupus patients are women.
  • In China, traditional treatments including herbal remedies, acupuncture, acupressure and massage, and moxibustion (the burning of substances on the skin to remedy illness) account for around 40% of ALL health care.
  • There is currently a “FibroDuck” movement to spread awareness of fibromyalgia. One million rubber duckies are being sent out. The hopes are that people will purchase a duck, and take photos and YouTube videos of the duckies with them on their travels. As they upload pictures and video to the site, money will be donated to the cause of fibromyalgia.
  • The TV show “House” has shown cases of Sjogren’s Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Celiac Disease, and other autoimmune conditions….these are often very hard to diagnose, thus providing a nice storyline for each episode as they try to solve these medical mysteries!
  • Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic autoimmune disease in which a person’s white blood cells attack their moisture-producing glands. Today, as many as 4 million Americans are living with this disease. Sjögren’s syndrome reminds you to stay positive, right in the name, as it is pronounced, “Show-Grins!” :D

That’s all for today! We’d love to hear any of your interesting or fun trivia facts related to one of the types of arthritis and related disease – so please do leave your thoughts and comments!

Stay well, and thanks for reading!

~ Ashley Boynes

Community Development Director

Arthritis Foundation, Western PA Chapter

“Voted Best Blogger in Pittsburgh!”

**Disclaimer: The facts mentioned in this blog are for education and entertainment, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Arthritis Foundation, Western Pennsylvania Chapter. Always consult your doctor for medical advice!


Do you have a cold or a cold or allergies? How Chinese medicine can help these conditions?

The nose, sinuses, throat, bronchi and lungs are infectious diseases, the most common site. They are also parts of the experience, and allergy related symptoms.

How can herbs help? Well, there may be a little, there are important and powerful anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal medicine to combat these annoying and sometimes severe illness.

In addition, there are vanilla essential oils, these anti-corrosion effect, is exhaled.

Astringent and drySound and weak organization. Some plants even more mucus the nose, throat or lung beneficial conditions. Therefore, they almost all acute and chronic respiratory diseases, allergies, and many valuable state.

To soothe and heal the throat and bronchial importantly, they also further infection or damage caused by free radicals obstacles to dry tablets of other herbs.

Expectorant soft dried hard waste, and mucus and expelled from sputumAirlines. These are moist cough, asthma, emphysema, but also to help set up the postnasal drip, or sinus congestion clear mucus.

This can be very useful, if you like the common cold, influenza, asthma or hay fever patients. Some herbal medicines is a real antitussives, which stimulate the nerve endings in the brain and reduce. Others help calm muscle spasm bronchial tubes, which many Nervina or sedative effects.

There are lung tonic, there are very specificAffinity of the bronchi and trachea. The lung is an important detoxification, and the deployment of these supplements to help their ability.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Too good to be true...BioNumerik's Tavocept for NSCLC

BioNumerik has  recently started recruitment into it’s Phase III trial with Tavocept in NSCLC.

This is a drug with the dual promise of both enhanced efficacy and attenuated toxicity when combined with conventional combination doublet chemotherapy.

The trial is described thus by BioNumerik: 

The Phase III Tavocept trial is an international, randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to be conducted at approximately 80 to 100 clinical sites in the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe and Latin America. The primary objective is to confirm whether Tavocept plus taxane and cisplatin chemotherapy significantly increases overall survival in patients with advanced primary adenocarcinoma of the lung compared to taxane and cisplatin treatment alone. Tavocept’s ability to prevent or mitigate common chemotherapy-induced toxicities will be prospectively evaluated by pre-specified secondary endpoint analyses. BioNumerik estimates that patient enrollment for the trial could be completed in late 2010 to early 2011.

The uniquely distinctive aspect to this trial is that it is intended to confirm the suggestions from earlier randomised trials of  possibly the longest benefit yet seen in advanced NSCLC (7.7 months for adenocarcinoma).

And there’s more to come…the earlier trials showed medically and statistically significant reductions in favor of Tavocept  in the incidence and severity of side effects commonly observed with the chemotherapy control regimens, including reductions in kidney toxicity, anemia, nausea and vomiting, and treatment discontinuation due to chemotherapy-induced neuropathy.

Can’t think of many (any) drugs with this degree of potential for simultaneous improvements in both utility and tolerability.

Keep an eye on this one!



Friday, February 5, 2010

Jamie Heywood has intertwined social networking with the journey of discovery. His brainchild, Patients Like Me is revolutionizing social networking for people who share the common thread of suffering from a life changing condition.

His work began when his brother died from ALS at 31. Heywood, his little brother and a colleague from MIT took his brothers experience of physical decline and turned it into something extremely positive. A social experiment for people to share their experiences, intertwine many variables and individual stories, find trends and convert that into relevant data.

Given my status, what is the best outcome I can hope to achieve, and how do I get there?

As the wise say, its universally understood that you must give to others and contribute to your community in order to be successful. That’s precisely what those ~45,000 patients that are utilizing Patients Like Me are doing; they’re sharing their stories as data and contributing.

Their stories are changing the way medicine is operated because each variable brings relevant, up to date variables it into context of delivery of care. With this open network, a patient with a mood disorder can see what conditions are bring treated, drugs that are being prescribed, side effects, blood work, and other components of care.

Patients Like Me will engage the medical community, and as long as the information being distributed is not taken out of context and most importantly a licensed medical professional is monitoring you, it seems this social networking experiment really is amazing.

By Keyana Azari


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SoundBite: Hearing Aid on Your Teeth

I love innovation in healthcare.

For people with conductive hearing loss, Bone Anchored Hearing Aids that are implanted surgically use the skull to transmit sound to the inner ear. SoundBite bypasses this problem.

SoundBite hearing system is the world’s first and only non-surgical and removable hearing solution designed to imperceptibly transmit sound via the teeth to help people who are essentially deaf in one ear regain spatial hearing ability and rejoin the conversation of life. It employs a well-established principle called bone conduction to deliver clear, high quality sound to the inner ear. Nearly invisible when worn, the SoundBite system consists of an easy to insert and remove ITM (in-the-mouth) hearing device – which is custom made to fit around either the upper left or right back teeth – and a small microphone unit worn behind the ear. No modifications to the teeth are required.

Source of Photo: Sonitus Medical

Reference: Preliminary Evaluation of a Novel Bone-Conduction Device for Single-Sided Deafness

More pictures here…


Layman's Guide to Natural Medicine




Commences: Wednesday 17th February 6:30 to 7:45pm
Venue: Kurrajong Natural Medicine Centre
Shop 7/1147 Grose Vale Road, Kurrajong Village, NSW, Australia

This 6-week course is designed to answer questions you may have about Natural Therapies. It unravels the often confusing and misleading alternative health care information commonly available and aims to increase understanding and insight into the health benefits Natural Medicine has to offer.

The topics to be covered week by week will be focused on the core forms of natural medicine practiced in Australia today and an overview of the secondary modalities will be given.

Course participants will have an opportunity to ask questions during a ten-minute Question and Answer time at the end of each weekly session.

There is No Charge for attendance BUT BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL PLEASE!

Week 1:

Introduction to Natural Therapies – Just Placebo or Real Medicine?

The differences and similarities between Natural Medicine, Natural Therapies, Complementary Medicine and Alternative Therapies are examined; Training, Qualifications and Regulation of practitioners.

Weeks 2 & 3:

Traditional Chinese Medicine:

The philosophy behind this ancient system of medicine is outlined, including Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Moxibustion. The theoretical aspect of how these fit into contemporary health care is explored.

Weeks 4 & 5:

Western Herbal Medicine & Naturopathy:

The Western Herbal Medicine tradition is highly eclectic and has quite a different application to that of Chinese Herbal Medicine. The ways that herbs have been traditionally used are examined and their contemporary use discussed. Herbal Medicine is often used by some Naturopaths but can be considered to be too interventionist by others. The basic principles underlying the philosophy of ‘nature cure’ are explored are discussed in the context of modern lifestyles.

Week 6:

Body Work & ‘Natural Exercise’:

It is well-known that structure and function in the body are inter-linked and it is on this basis that ‘natural’ or ‘alternative’ forms of body work and exercise are based. This week we look at the roles of Remedial Therapies, Massage, Chiropractics and Osteopathy in health care and explore why exercise forms such as Tai Chi and Yoga are better for you.

To Book or Enquire Phone: (02) 4573 0784


Monday, February 1, 2010

The use of natural healing herbs in alternative medicine

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People have been using natural herbs for thousands of years. Naturopathic physicians, acupuncturists, Ayurvedic doctors and herbal plants and to order their patients to help in the healing process. Many people also herbs to cure themselves, because the natural treatments or can not afford to prefer non-prescription medications.

Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional medicine of India. This is a complicated medical system and isis considered the oldest form of organized medicine. Ayurvedic doctors categorize people into 3 different types or doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas all have different characteristics. In Ayurveda, we have all these doshas, to some extent, but tend to require more features than others. When the doshas are out of balance disorders and diseases are caused in the body. Ayurvedic physicians use a combination of massage, diet and natural herbsto correct this imbalance and lead to healing.

Traditional Chinese medicine is another ancient form of medicine. The representatives of this medicine believe that a life force that runs through the channels of the body. This life force called Qi (Chi) and channels are called meridians. When Qi flows freely, when the channels that are healthy. If Qi is blocked at your illness and pain. Acupuncturists insert fine needles into points along the meridiansunblock qi. Natural Herbs are an essential part of medical practice. They are used to relieve symptoms and promote healing.

Naturophaths be trained in natural medicine. They use herbs and nutrition to help you get rid of treating the symptoms.

Food stores are specifically trained in the use of herbs as medicine. They have a lot of knowledge of plants and can often teach about herbs that grow naturally in your area.

If you are used to treatwith the help of herbs, you should work with your doctor. herbs can react badly with prescription drugs. Therefore, it is important that you get your doctor for advice. Be sure to read so much as possible on the grass before using it. Because, obviously, does not mean it is safe. Many herbs have side effects that you need to be aware of. If used properly, could kill.

It is better, the herbs under the supervision of a healthProfessional who is well known that different herbs react to each other. This person can recommend the right herbs for you and customize the visitor when necessary. With their guidance, you can use herbs to bring you back to health.
