Monday, November 2, 2009

PeRSSonalized Epilepsy: Follow Quality News and Resources

I launched PeRSSonalized Medicine to help patients and doctors keep themselves up-to-date more easily without any kind of IT knowledge. It is an easy-to-use, free aggregator of quality medical information that lets you select your favourite resources and read the latest news and articles about a medical specialty or a medical condition in one personalized place.

Now here is the newest category, PeRSSonalized Epilepsy with all the quality news sites, blogs, peer-reviewed journals and web 2.0 tools focusing on epilepsy.

Some reasons why it is unique:

  • You can search in the database. It means you will find medical information only from a quality selected portion of the world wide web.
  • You can personalize any of the sections.
  • You can also receive the newest Pubmed articles focusing on your search term. Just insert your field of interest, a therapy, a condition, etc. and click Search. Then you can add the newly created box to your personalized medical “journal”.
  • It is a community-based project. Please let us know which quality resources should be added to the database.


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