Friday, September 18, 2009

Oxymoron: Government will reduce costs of Healthcare

The cost of current government interference and threat of Medicare audit is rarely articulated. When has the government actually decreased confusing regulations and costs in ANYTHING.  Medicare codes, rules, and regulations rival the IRS code interference with prosperity. At least one would think a balanced assessment of cost versus benefit would have been performed before implementation.  That would only be logical but, logic and the government is rarely guaranteed. Along with the practices of defensive medicine, government regulation has become ingrained in our costs of today. Many doctors don’t realize that they have been taught defensive practices over individual analysis and problem solving.   

One methodology to causing the change is the so called “evidence based” practices.  As if doctors just randomly recommend care or , like Washington officials, base recommendations on which pays better.  With these attempts at one-size fits all medicine the quality of the evidence often is not critically evaluated.  These guidelines routinely take information out of context without regard to variations. 

The President takes all this to a new level based on false assumptions and demonstrated lack of knowledge,  “Pediatricians take children to surgery so they can make more money”.  Hey Pres, Pediatricians don’t do surgery.  His publically stated (and recorded) plan to treat by statistics is an equally erronious use of statistics and confirms a true lack of concern for individuals.  If he does not care about individual’s health, whose health is the Healthcare “solution” supposed to help?  If individual assesment for health care is unimportant to him how important are individual rights?

Our sacred duty is to remain vigalent and outspoken.  Continue to gather, send mail, and clog switchboards. Above all, VOTE as an informed citizen and remind those around you, in your networks,  at the office and at the ball game, that voting has more consequences than prom queen or American Idol.


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